Stop Lying About Caster Semenya

Three XY 5-ARD Males Won All Three Medals at the Rio Olympics for the 800m Women's in 2016


Caster Semenya has announced that they will be releasing a biography called “The Race to Be Myself”. I wonder if they will tell the truth about their childhood and origins of becoming an athlete or if they will continue to spread misinformation about their battle with the IAAF. The media has been very particular in making sure the truth about Caster Semenya remains unknown, but I think it is time we weed out the lies and learn the truth about Semenya’s entire situation. Despite what the media might say, Semenya does not have PCOS, hyperandrogenism, or naturally high levels of testosterone. Caster Semenya does not even have ovaries at all. Is this a surprise to you? Don’t feel bad if it is. News organizations refuse to have integrity and be honest with the public in fear of backlash from both race-obsessed liberals and trans activists who seek to use Caster as a pawn for their own personal agendas.

Caster Semenya has XY 5-ARD, a condition only a male can have. XY 5-ARD is an intersex disorder that occurs when a male does not produce enough dihydrotestosterone due to lacking an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme critical for male development. 5-AR helps convert some testosterone a boy makes into dihydrotestosterone. This is the hormone that helps construct male genitalia. A boy born without the ability to produce enough DHT will have genitalia that looks somewhat female at birth. While it is true that a male with this condition may be misread as a girl at birth due to their underdeveloped penis, by the time they reach puberty, their male secondary sex characteristics will start to appear. The presence of dihydrotestosterone is not as important for male puberty as regular testosterone, therefore boys with XY 5-ARD will begin to go through regular male puberty. After puberty begins, any idea of them being a girl will become nonexistent. Males with this condition will never have a menstrual cycle as they have internal testes. Concerns about this would spark further testing in any regular medical exam. Are we to believe that South African mothers are not concerned when their daughters fail to reach menarche? Are we also to believe that Caster, who started running professionally at age 16, has never had a physical done by a professionally trained doctor who would have noticed their unusually high testosterone levels immediately? It is also highly unlikely that Caster did not wonder why they never got a period like the rest of their female peers, especially in a misogynistic country like South Africa. A common myth online being spread about XY 5-ARD individuals by trans activists is the belief that males who have this condition acquire a mixture of male and female traits. They provide this as a lazy explanation for Caster’s inaction on figuring out why they look drastically different than their female counterparts or why they may have not known about their condition. This would be incorrect. Those with XY 5-ARD are undeniably male. They have a male phenotype, male hormone levels, and male secondary sex characteristics. The underdeveloped penises of males with XY 5-ARD are not vaginas nor “female-like”. It would be misogynistic to imply that they are. This belief that women are simply underdeveloped men, rather than a sex class with our own unique developmental pathway that a male can never experience, is why trans activists are keen about spreading this lie.

DSD Regulations
Caster admitted to having XY 5-ARD in their court case against the IAAF. Trans activists online pretend to not know this important piece of information so they can accuse those of us who remind people of this fact of racism. It is not racist to acknowledge facts. Caster did not sue the IAAF for leaked medical records, but to prove that their lack of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) put them at a disadvantage against males who were not intersex, but Caster was wrong and rightfully lost their court case. Intersex males do not suddenly become sexless or disabled just because of their disorder. Furthermore, the regulations for DSD athletes only apply to those who have underwent male puberty, have XY chromosomes, and acquire functioning testes that give them male levels of testosterone. In other words, males, not females, and most definitely not “cis Black women”, are being regulated within the realm of female sports and rightfully so. This has not stopped people from trying extremely hard to tie Caster’s dilemma to racism. 

Those online who seek to purposefully spread misinformation about XY-DSD athletes and their physical advantages claim that one of the reasons Caster was banned was due to Caster’s body being deemed “not feminine enough by Eurocentric beauty standards" to be allowed in female sports. Huh? This is the Olympics we are talking about not a beauty pageant. It is basically a festival for muscular athletic woman to shine in all their glory. Caster Semenya does not simply have the body of a “strong Black woman”. They have a male phenotype. Compare Caster’s body to that of Charlene Lipsey, one of the Black women who has lost out on medals due to Caster’s presence in female sports. Despite what trans activists say, it is not racist nor misogynoir to observe the differences between male and female bodies. Lipsey’s body looks no different from her white female competitors running alongside her. Caster, and Caster alone, is whose male body stands out from the pack and it is not due to racist notions about Black women and our femininity. It is due to them being an intersex male who has gone through male puberty. 

Lipsey (left) and Semenya (right) Running in the 800m


There are Black women of all shapes and sizes who compete at the Olympics every year and are never once accused of being men. To pretend that the critiques of Caster’s obviously male phenotype are rooted in racism is not only insane but insulting to actual Black women. Black women do not look like nor resemble men. We do not share a body shape with men of any race. We have the exact same secondary sex characteristics as our nonBlack female counterparts and that is because we are all females regardless of our ethnic/racial origins. Anyone suggesting otherwise, whether that be trans activists, liberals, or white supremacists, are utilizing race science to push their own agendas.

Black Women Alongside Their White Female Competitors (all have the same female phenotype) That Thrive at the Olympics

The Bodies of the Men on the USA Men's Swimming Team


By not being truthful, Caster has done a disservice to both Black women and intersex people, allowing both groups to be used as merely pawns for causes that do not serve them. Several news outlets continue to refer to Caster as simply a “Black woman with naturally high testosterone levels”. These articles reinforce the racist myth that somehow Black women differ biologically from other females and are closer to males. Caster does not have high testosterone levels. They have regular male levels of testosterone because they are male. Black women have nothing to do with Caster’s situation as Black women are incapable of having XY chromosomes, testes, or male hormone levels and therefore incapable of having XY 5-ARD. This has not stopped trans activists from falsely claiming DSD regulations somehow harm Black females. Rules against intersex male athletes benefit all women (intersex females are not affected by DSD rules either). In the realm of track and field, a sport that Black women from all nationalities dominate, these rules ensure that Black women do not lose medals to Black males with intersex disorders and mediocre athletic abilities. These regulations give Black women a fair shot at winning. Intersex activists have also worked long and hard to remind us that they are simply males and females with disruptions in their own male or female sexual development. Now, media outlets are using Caster to deem all intersex people as “hermaphrodites” (a slur for those who suffer from intersex disorders) and suggest they need their own sporting categories due to Caster's inability to be honest with the public. This is inhumane. Intersex people are not a third sex or a different type of human being. They are just as manly or womanly as anybody else. Any myths about a supposed “human hermaphrodite” being spread by media or trans activists is just that, a myth. There are only two sexes in humans, and those sexes are binary and do not exist along a spectrum. 


 The lies surrounding Caster Semenya and their athletic situation with the IOC and IAAF must stop. They are not “naturally gifted”. They do not have “naturally high testosterone levels”. They were not banned from women’s sports for being a masculine looking Black women or for being intersex either. They were banned, and rightfully so, for being male and refusing to lower their testosterone levels to that of a female. Caster has known for almost 10 years now that they suffer from XY 5-ARD and are a genetic male. There are no "cis Black women" being banned from sports. There are Black males with intersex disorders that are being removed in order to ensure that female sports does not become completely nonexsistent in a world where postmodernism is being embraced by the elites at the speed of light. It is up to these males, and them alone, to make peace with their identities. They do not get to ruin women’s sports in that process though. We can acknowledge that the IAAF releasing Caster’s medical records was inhumane while also recognizing that this does not mean Caster, or any other male with the same disorder as them, gets to steal medals away from actual hardworking females. Caster’s feelings are not more important than women worldwide having an even playing ground. Women deserve a fair chance when competing in professional sports, and male bodies, whether Black, White, or Asian interfere with and disrupt that fairness. I wish Caster well, and I hope their new book recieves a lot of positive reviews, but I fear they will use this as another opportunity to undermine women and further spread misinformation about the reality of their biology. The truth matters, and the truth is that Caster does not belong in women's sports. 
