
Showing posts from November, 2023

"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished": Ryna Workman and the Consequences of Black Women's Muling

A mule, known for carrying the load of others for their entire lives. Many Black women complain about being seen as the “mules of the world” yet continue to fulfill that role by speaking on political conflicts that do not involve nor affect the daily lives of Black women, defending demographics that are ruthless towards us, and refusing to put themselves and their womanhood first. The Israel v. Palestine conflict has been occurring for almost 70 years. Many people have died. Many people have been hurt. While it is okay to have empathy for others, when you are the least protected demographic on the globe, perhaps staying silent on polarizing conflicts is your best option . There is not much I can say when it comes to Middle Eastern conflicts, but I do want to point out that when Hamas kidnapped several Jewish women, Israel wasted no time retaliating. Jewish men let it be known that they will always protect and stand behind their fellow Jewish women. I admire that immensely. This is com