No, White Men Do Not Get to Colonize Womanhood

In the video below, Suzanne Forbes-Vierling eloquently explains the reasoning for why a large portion of white males feel entitled to colonize womanhood. She connects the entitlement white men once felt to the continent of Africa and its people to their entitlement to the female sex class. The most important aspect of her video is the discussion surrounding how Black women and our identities are the basis for this racist colonization.

Neither conservatives nor liberals have asked Black women about our thoughts on white men colonizing our female identity. The sex-segregated spaces that have protected Black women from predatory white and Black males alike are at risk of becoming extinct. Black women are far more likely to use a women’s shelter, public restroom, or be in a women’s prison than a white woman, yet conversations about who should be allowed into these spaces are dominated by white males on both sides of the American political spectrum. Why? Why do white men feel entitled to dominate this specific conversation when it is their demographic attempting to colonize womanhood? White males pose a threat to Black women because of their sex whether they acknowledge this threat or not. There will be no exceptions to allow effeminate white males, or any race of men for that matter, into our spaces just because they cannot handle the fact that we segregate society on the basis of sex. 


Regarding race and the racism white males project onto society, Suzanne Vierling-Forbes explained it perfectly in her presentation above. White men believe that they are more human than Black women and this belief allows them to feel entitled to debate about their right to our female spaces without listening to our input. Trans-identified white males first attempted to gain access to women’s spaces by utilizing their racial privilege. They thought that white women would choose their race over their sex (like they have done so in the past) and allow them to enter places where they do not legally belong. This backfired, and as a result, these white males proceeded to paint any white woman who expressed concern over allowing males into female spaces as a “racist TERF”. White trans women have now resorted to spreading racist rhetoric about Black women and our womanhood. They claim Black women are a “subset” of women inferior to white females. Their belief is that if society lets Black women, who they as white males deem beneath them, into female spaces, they must be allowed into these spaces as well. As Suzanne Vierling-Forbes stated in her power point, these white males truly do believe the rhetoric that they hatefully spew. They see Black women as subhuman creatures closer to apes, so there should be no surprise that these racists are calling us a “subset” of our own sex class. They are no different from their colonizing ancestors and still very much believe in the racist myths invented by their racial sex class.


Conservatives do not get to portray themselves as allies to women either. White male conservatives have been spreading conspiracy theories about Michelle Obama secretly being a man for almost two decades now. Conservative white men, just like their trans or liberal counterparts, feel like they get to define womanhood. By living vicariously through their colonizing ancestors, they feel they have a right to strip Black women such as myself or Michelle Obama of our biological realities the same way they stripped my African ancestors of their ethnic identities. As a Black woman, I am here to tell you that they do not. Women accept Michelle Obama as a woman because she is a female. White male opinions do not matter in the realm of discussing womanhood. White men’s colonizing history makes them feel entitled to police the identities of women they do not find attractive. They cannot portray themselves as innocent bystanders in this debate. They, along with trans-identified white males, have more in common then they want to admit as both demographics of white men feel like they can strip Black women of something nature has granted us for free.

Trans activists do not seem to understand that both liberals and conservatives are white supremacists and use white supremacist rhetoric, racebait, and misogynoir to advance their agendas. Both parties hate when females stand together as a sex class and demand spaces away from the demographic (men) that has oppressed theirs for centuries. White men are particularly upset that Black women’s voices matter more than theirs on this subject. They are upset that many white women will not choose their race over their sex when it comes to wanting a private space away from males. Most importantly, through believing that their whiteness grants them more humanity than a Black female such as myself, they are upset that no matter where we go on this planet, that I, someone they consider subhuman, manly, and ugly will always be entitled to and welcome in female spaces while they will never be.


Liberals cannot guilt trip me into supporting white men’s colonization of womanhood by violently sending me and other Black women tweets of white men calling us “manly” on Twitter. Female spaces were created to protect Black women from white men’s racism. Ironically, a large portion of white trans women are former Nazis, incels, or general white supremacists and liberals have no problem sending these people into spaces where Black women are most vulnerable. The misogynoir spewed at Black female politicians from conservatives will also not make me give up my sex-based rights either. Why? Because white men’s opinions do not matter on this subject. White men do not get to define what a woman is. They do not get to have a monopoly over the conversation in which women are discussing how we will survive their racist colonization of our female identity. This form of colonization is no less violent than when white men decided that Africa and its resources were for their taking. Women are having our spaces, our bodies, and our identity invaded and stripped away from us. A foreign language that wants to describe us as “menstruators” and “uterus havers” is being forced upon us. We are not being allowed to voice any opinions that stray away from what the dominant white male class agrees with. The time for women to stand together as a sex class is now.
